Thursday, April 16, 2009


U.Y.C History: since april 3rd, 2009

The night of April 3rd, Josiah called us for a meeting. Once we were all seated he told us
that we were going to start a club that would reach the youth of Manila. We were very excited and got
to work right away. We decided eventually on the board members. The board members are now: Trisha, Chris, Josh, Natalia, Joel, Lucy and Anita. We've been working on it for a while, and Praise the Lord! It looks like it's really coming along. We hope you enjoy and have fun, we'll be posting music, photos, videos, books and other things on the blog for you to enjoy.

Our vision:
For the Youth of Manila to have a goal in life, and to do something for others and Jesus. To Bring people closer to Jesus. To have Godly fellowship. And to teach others to teach others.
Our Logo: The Public Relation managers (Josh and Joel) were brain storming the idea of what the logo should be, they were coming up with dorky ideas like guitar strings, a tree, people
standing around a globe holding hands. But then Joel came up with the idea of a gear, Josh
looked it up online and came up with some sweet pictures. So that's are logo now. Thank you Jesus, I hope this blog will really enlarge and that you will enjoy it!

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